둘리양 어린이집에서 소방서 견학 가려던 이야기


영어 공부삼아 직접 읽어보세요.

둘리양의 어린이집 선생님들은 매일 이렇게 하루의 일과를 이메일로 보내주시는데, 오늘은 소방서 견학을 가는 날이라 사진까지 함께 보내셨네요.

원래 어린이집 버스를 타고 소방서로 가려고 했는데 아침에 도로가 미끄럽고 위험해서 소방서에 가는 대신에 소방관이 소방차를 몰고 어린이집으로 오셨다는군요.

둘리양이 아침부터 견학간다며 들떠 있었는데, 친절한 소방관이 직접 와주셔서 다행입니다.


Hello Families!

Hope you are enjoying your day! This morning everyone came in with smiling faces and excited for the fire station. Shortly after 9:00 we found out that the roads were icy and administration wasn’t comfortable driving the bus. We weren’t able to go to the fire station so they came to us! They arrived around 10:00 and we gathered on the circle rug. Ms. Katrena was our lucky volunteer and got to put on the fire fighter suit. Firefighter Wayne told us about each part as she put it on! They even got to see the mask, and Ms. Katrena got to breathe through it. Afterwards Firefighter Wayne taught us how to stop drop and roll. Everyone showed him how to do it and they each received a sticker. We then bundled up in our jackets and went outside to see the firetruck! Everyone got fire hats and had a chance to go inside the fire truck! Once they checked out the inside Firefighter Wayne showed us all of the tools and what they were used for. Ms. Katrena even got to go inside the fire truck and turn on the lights for everyone to see! When we came inside we gave the firefighters the book we made them and thanked them for coming. After they left we played with flour, and many friends went around the room pretending to be firefighters. We had chicken and rice for lunch and most friends had thirds. Everyone is asleep or resting nicely.

Once awake we will try to head outside and pull put some choices including flour, and tools.

Thank you everyone for coming prepared this morning with car seats and red clothing! We might try to visit the fire station some other time,  but they had a great time today!

See you all at pick up,

Lauren and Katrena

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둘리양은 왼쪽에서 두번째로 서있네요.

가장 왼쪽, 그러니까 둘리양 옆에 서있는 브룩클린은 둘리양과 화이트룸 시절부터 지금까지 한 반 친구입니다.

그리고 빨간 티셔츠 위에 검은 조끼를 입고 아이들 옆에 쪼그리고 앉은 로렌 선생님은 지난 12월에 졸업한 둘리양 엄마의 학생입니다. 학교를 다닐 때부터 공부도 열심히 하고 실습도 무척 잘 마쳤는데, 둘리양의 선생님이 되니 엄마가 무척 안심입니다.