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보영이 ‘오스본 장학금’을 받게 되어 지역 신문(Athens Banner Heral)의 기사에 실렸습니다.

“조지아 대학의 유아교욱 박사과정 학생 박보영은 그의 학문적 성취를 인정받아 ‘오스본’ 장학금 500 달러 (약 52만원) 을 받게 되었다.

이하 번역은 나중에..

아래는 기사 전문.


Early childhood education doctoral student at the University of Georgia Boyoung Park was awarded the D. Keith Osborn Scholarship in recognition of his academic achievement. Park, a native of Seoul, Korea, was awarded the $500 scholarship by the elementary education program.

A pioneer in early childhood education, Osborn was a professor of education and child development for 26 years at the University of Georgia’s College of Education. From 1980 to 1993, he also was graduate coordinator for the department of elementary education. Before coming to UGA, he was one of the first male teachers of young children. He was a faculty member and division chair at the Merrill Palmer Institute from 1952 to 1968.

As a consultant to the U.S. Office of Education in the early 1960s, Osborn was on the committee that planned the Head Start Program and served for a year as assistant director. Later, he was on the planning committee for the Children’s Television Workshop, which developed the popular “Sesame Street” program. His service to children continued through his work on the President’s Council on Early Childhood Education and the President’s Council on Television. The U.S. Commissioner of Education and the director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity also relied on his expertise in early childhood.

Osborn received numerous teaching awards at UGA, including the 1987 Josiah Meigs Award, the university’s highest teaching honor. In 1988, he was named Georgia Professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. He also was a National Silver Medal winner for teaching that same year.

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